I Dream I Wake Up Every Morning
And Kiss Your Radiant Face
Holding You Tight In My Arms
Seeing All Your Amazing Beauty

I Wish To Fall Asleep With You In My Arms
Every Night Of Every Day Forever
Feeling Your Warmth Close To Me
Feeling I Make You Safe
What Could Make Me Happier
Than Kissing Your Tender Lips
Hugging Your Incredible Body
Feeling The Touch Of Gentle Fingers
Every Day Without You Is Hell
Consumed With Sadness And Pain
Without You In My Life
I Can Never Be The Fulfilled
I Can Help But Remember…
How Alone And Lost I Used To Be
How Unhappy I Always Felt
Sorrow Consumed My Life
But Then You Appeared, My Pain Vanished
You Lifted My Heart, My Soul
You Made Me Feel Unique, My Heart Feels Whole
I Never Wanted To Lose You
I Always Wanted You By My Side
Because Every Part Of My Heart And Soul
Loves You In Ways I Cannot Say