Give Me The Heart Of A Father
Lord Give Me The Heart Of A Father
Who Is Constantly On Alert
Who Senses The Slightest Indication Of
A Child Who May Be Hurt
Not Just The Wee Little Children
To Whom We’re At Their Beck And Call
But The Adult Children As Well Lord
Who Have Suffered Another Fall
The Tell Tale Signs Indicators
Of Something That’s Gone Awry
The Joyfullness Missing In Demeanor
The Tear Coming Down From Their Eye
The Silence That Strains Conversation
The Unknowing Factors As Well
Life’s Enumerable Situations
All Have A Story To Tell
You Told Us To Pray Without Ceasing
You Knew What We Had To Forego
You Give Us The Grace To Rejoice In
As Trials Come Blow Upon Blow
What Great Burden Bearer Lord Jesus
We Come Casting All Of Our Cares
You In Your Strength Do Uphold Us
No Trial Catches You Unawares
In Weakness We Falter And Stumble
Unable To Do What We Should
It Is Only In Prayer Unto You Lord
You Unravel And Make Understood
Praise God We Can Call Upon Your Name
Our Shelter In The Time Of Storm
May It Not Be A Happen Chance Matter
But To Us, Be Our Daily Norm.
Copyright Gary James Smith