You Should Have Invested Me Either With A Crown,
Or Wrapped My Body In A Lowly-Beggar’s Gown..
I Wish I Were Turned To Dust And Strewn At Love’s Door,
If I Was Meant To Be Humbled To The Ground..
If I Was Endowed With Insatiate Thirst For Love,
I Wish I Were Given A Life Unlimited-Unbound..
That My Heart Is Rent Apart-I Do Not Care,
Provided The Pillow Of Your Locks Serves As Its Resting Ground..
If I’m Not Worthy Of The Company Of The Saints,
In The Reveller’s Throng At Least Let My Voice Resound..
Bereft Of The Saqi’s Grace-If I Am To Burn Alone,
Make Me A Tavern Lamp-Burning At The Tavern Ground..
Everything Is Always Wrong In This Mundane World,
Such Place Had Better Been A Wild Barren Ground