What-‘s Happening Now?
Environments Are Changing So Fast,
We-‘re Failing To Keep Pace Along!
Those Shadows Are Elongating Sans Ends!
Those Skies Are Turning Darker Every Day!
Those Trees Are Yellowing Fast: Drying Palsied!
Those Fields Are Lying Unsowed, As If Barren!
I Know Not, What-‘s In Offing For Us All?
The Clouds Are Gone; Leaving White Ones Behind:
Which Are Not Even Pregnant Now With Rains?
Thunders Have Gone Back To Their Far-Off Homes:
The Peacocks Are Waiting, In-Vain, To Dance!
The Cattle-Flocks Are Roaming Here And There;
In Search Of Water-Holes: So Scarcely Found!
The Rivulets Have Already Sunk In Sands;
It Appears, Now -Ë—tis Turn Of The Perennials:
They-‘re Thinning Fast, Exposing Dunes Of Sands
Green Grass-Fields Are Denuded; Earth Peeps Out;
Plant-Buds Are Withering-Out Without Their Blossoms!
Farmers Are Viewing The Skies: Those Empty Skies:
With Equally Empty Glances; Sadness Rules!
I-‘m Thinking: Why It-‘s So? Where Have We Blundered?
Oh! Hills And Hillocks -Ë—round Us, Are All Bald!
Traces Of Trees And Plants Are No Where Seen!!
The Hills And Hillocks, All, Have Been Quite Dwarfed,
And Swept Of Binding Fertile Soils By Rains
Of Yore: They-‘re Now, Just, Heaps Of Withering Boulders!
God Forbid! We Can Not Afford More Deserts!!
We Need A Lot More Oxygen And Water:
Not Only For Us -‘lone, But For Generations;
For Generations Of All The Living Ones,
Including Human Generations To Follow!