What Is Love, But An Emotion,
So Strong And So Pure,
That Nurtured And Shared With Another
All Tests It Will Endure?
What Is Love, But A Force
To Bring The Mighty Low,
With The Strength To Shame The Mountains
And Halt Time-‘s Ceaseless Flow?
What Is Love, But A Triumph,
A Glorious Goal Attained,
The Union Of Two Souls, Two Hearts
A Bond The Angels Have Ordained?
What Is Love, But A Champion,
To Cast The Tyrant From His Throne,
And Raise The Flag Of Truth And Peace,
And Fear Of Death O-‘erthrow?
What Is Love, But A Beacon,
To Guide The Wayward Heart,
A Blazing Light Upon The Shoals
That Dash Cherished Dreams Apart?
And What Is Love, But Forever,
Eternal And Sincere,
A Flame That Through Wax And Wane
Will Outlive Life-‘s Brief Years?
So I-‘ll Tell It On The Mountaintops,
In All Places High And Low,
That Love For You Is My Reason To Be,
And Will Never Break Or Bow.