Time’s Been Passin’
Since That Day
I Remember That Moment
You Said
Things Won’t Change
We’ll Stay The Same
And We’ll See Each Other
One Day Again
Things Haven’t Changed
You’re Still
So Far Away
My Heart’s Still Full
Of Love And Ache
But We’ll See Each Other
One Day Again
You Still Deny
What Could Have Been
You Turn Your Head
And Hold It In
I Watch You Walk
So Far Away
Didn-‘t Know It Then
But This
This Was The End
Today-‘s The Day
That One Day Again
Things Have Changed
I Can Tell You That
The Glimmer-‘s Gone
The Love Is Too
Deep In Our Hearts
We Always Knew
Time-‘s Been Passin-‘
Since That Day
I Remember That Moment
You Said
Things Won-‘t Change
We-‘ll Stay The Same
And We-‘ll See Each Other
One Day Again
Well Time Had No Need
To Be Passin-‘ By
Cause We Knew In Our Hearts
That Whole Time
This Would Never Be
After The End
Went Passin-‘ By