Thinking Back Those Days I Left Behind
Recalling All Those Memories In My Mind
Tears Roll Down My Eyes, When I Close Them N Find
Your Image Appearing In My Mind
Those Moments We Spent Hand In Hand
Seemed To Pass Away Like Falling Sand.
The Times I Kept My Head Close To Your Heart
It Felt As If I Wasn-‘t Me But Your Part.
You Understood Me When No One Did,
You Smiled When I Behaved Like A Kid.
Now They Are Nothing But Distant Memories.
That Lifts Up My Spirit Like A Gentle Breeze.
Your Sweet Voice Still Lingers In My Ears,
When I Am Alone Or Surrounded By Fears.
I Yearn To Touch You One Last Time,
Will It Be Too Much Of A Crime? ? ?
You-‘ll Be In My Heart Till The End Of Eternity,
Till The Day I Die And Am Surrounded By Serenity.
But Until Then Remember One Thing,
That Has Tied Us Together By A Single String,
No Matter How Far Our Bodies Are,
We-‘re Fused Together By A Strong Power.
That Power Is Of Love That Is Divine In The Eyes Of
God Above