They Congregate At The Local Pub
Each And Every Saturday Night
Break In Routine From Stressful Week
Creatures Of Habit Seeking Respite
Logs Are Burning In The Grate
Flickering Orange Flames In Dance
Firelight Reflecting On The Hearth
Warm And Cozy Creating Ambience
Local Men Propping Up The Bar
Discussing Football Escaping Wives
Drowning Sorrows From Mundane Life
Another Pint Through Bleary Eyes
Barmaids With Their Cheerful Smiles
Filling Up The Empty Glass
Engaging Conversation With The Punters
Who Freely Spend Their Brass
Tucked In Corners Lost In Love
Couples Share A Fleeting Glance
Sneak A Kiss And Passion Ignites
Anticipating An Evening Of Romance
Dreaded Bell Begins To Ring
Landlord Calling Last Orders Please
Social Gathering Coming To An End
Glasses Drained It’s Time To Leave