Theres Nothing More That I Can Do…
I Really Believed When You Said Lets Work Things Out
I Try To Understand You But You Never Seem To Explain Yourself Right.
Ive Tried And Tried And Tried And My Heart Cant Handle This Anymore.
I Dont Know Where To Turn..I Wish I Could Just Hate You I Wish I Could Just Run
I Made Mistakes And You Did Too But Everytime
I Thought Of Breaking Up I Always Thought Of You
You Told Me That You Loved Me I Think
I Was A Fool Id Like To Think You Loved Me And That Ur Love Was Pure,
But All Ive Seen So Far Is Nasty Hate From You
Our Fairy Tale Is Broken,Our Family’s Apart.
You Had A Chance To Fix It And You Had A Change Of Heart
I Wish This Was A Nightmare And Everything Was Fine But
Day By Day You Prove Me Wrong And I Think Im Just So Dumb For Going On And On
You Still Have The Last Word I Dont Know For How Long,
Im Leaving All My Pride Behind And Giving It One Last Try…
If I Dont Hear From You Again I Promise Not Cry…..Ill Go On With
My Life Even If Hurts, But I Want To Hear From You That You No Longer Love Me
I’d Like To Think You Loved Me.
by eruka_ru‚Â