The Dawn-Harbinger
Thou Art A Stream: So Dense
Of Strength;‚  That Knows No Fence
Thy Shake-Less Faith’s Around
Selfless-Love Stands Abound
Thy Graceful Looks Are Sweet
Of Greatness, Foes Retreat
Thou Art A Stream:‚  So Dense
Of Strength;‚  That Knows No Fence
With, Thousand-Million Hands
Held Firmly, India Stands
At Thy Love-Soaked Commands
Moves On; When Time Demands
Thy Active Blessed-Apparent
Exertion Incessant
Has Brought Us Name And Pride
Our High-Held Forehead: Vide
Those Waking-Steps Are On
Thou Brought-Forth Such New Dawn
That, With Its Appearance
Recedes Poverty Dense
Thou Art A Stream: – So Dense
Of Strength; That Knows No Fence
Thy Leader Has Acclaimed
Numerous Gifted Non-Famed
Artists; Who Are Now On
To Build A Fruitful Dawn
Those Fields That Was Asleep
Are Waking Fast, To Leap
In Future Gold-Emerald
No Hillock Shall Be Bald
Thy Nearness: Ends A Drought
In Rains That Are Fast Brought
The Famines Evaporate
Herons Fly-Past To Mate
Thou Art A Stream, So Dense
Of Strength, That Knows Us Fence
Our Warriors At Your Hint
Even Those With Wound-Splint
Strike-On With Such Speeds
That Mention Hardly Needs
At Enemy Targets Deep
Too Far, They Want Him Keep
Their Vigour Meets In Thee
Thou Art Embodied Energy
Foes Daren’t Stand Any More
Reach Affront, Soon Feel Sore
With Dawns, Our County’s Heart
Shall Breathe In Blossoms Smart
Thou Art A Stream, So Dense
Of Strength, That Knows No Fence