October, With Its Rotting Leaves
And Mists And Flesh-Stripping Winds
Holds One Triumphant Day For Me.
A Few Precious Longed-For Hours.
At Liberty Then To Move Among My Family
And To Call A Great Meeting After Sundown.
While Mortals Tremble Under Blankets,
Thousands Will Answer Their Master’s Call
To Fill The Sacred, Unseen Circle.
Creatures Fabled By Weak-Willed Man;
Black Witches, Hobgoblins, Spectres, Rats,
Vampire Friends And The Sallow Face Of Death.
All Are There And More, Keen And Attentive.
Undreamt Of Primeval Creatures Are Present,
So Shapeless That A Fleeting Glance
Would Stop A Living Heart From Beating.
And, After A Time, The Circle Is Complete.
The Runes Are Read And The Earth Power Flows.
All Bodies Are Mine, All Minds One.
Reports Are Made And Instructions Given
With Praise, Rebukes And A Welcome To The New,
Then, At My Command The Ring Is Broken.
The Dark Gathering Evanishes In The Early Fog,
Evil Forces Now Replenished,
And The Iniquitous Roam Again
To Pillage The Puny Souls Of Man;
A Being So Eager To Co-Operate