Here I Am!
Take Each Of You A Slice From My Perfect Woman Cake
What Flavour Do You Want?
Well You Better Make Your Stake
Cos This Woman Cake Is Good
And Each Morning It’s Fresh Baked
Is It Lover Flavour You Want First Thing
Counsellor, Nurse? Princess?
You Know I Will Excell
I’m A Simmering Hot Tigress
That’s Right
Gorge Yoursefl, Delight
This Woman Cake Can Be All Things
Be Sultry Madam All Sleazy And Fun
Or Matriarch, Or A Rockstar Or A Nun
This Woman Cake Never Tires Of The Deal
How She Constantly Changes Aware Of Her Appeal
This Woman Cake Is Tasty
You’ll Never Tire Of Her Fresh Smell
Her Secret Is Her Power
And She Uses It So Well
Now Return Her Back To The Parlour
She’ll Be Safe There Keeping Cool
And She’ll Stay Until She’s Needed
The Perfect Mult Functional Tool