Love Is Not A Word To Be Taken Easily,
It Is Not A Word To Be Taken For Granted.
Love Is Something You Shoul Lid Cherish,
For One Day You Will Meet That Special Someone.
To Love, Cherish, Care For, Respect, And Honor,
I Thought I Had Found Him,
Only To Find Out He Was A Lover In Disguise.
I Was Willing To Give Up My Life And Friends,
All To Be With This Person.
This Person Was So Caring And Special To Me,
He Was Willing To Give Up His Life For Me As Well.
Broken… Are The Words Of My Heart,
Shattered Again By Someone So Cruel And Cold.
How Can Someone Who Cares So Much For You,
Be So Misunderstanding And Inconsiderate?
I Ask Myself This Question Everyday,
Wondering Why Love Works In Mysterious Ways.
Will I Ever Find The Answer?
I Guess I Will Never Know, Maybe I Will,
When That Certain Person Actually Meant For Me,
Decides To Come Along And Sweep Me Off My Feet.
All Of My Dreams, My Childhood Dreams, Will Come True,
There Is Someone Out There With The Same Dreams As I.
He Will Find Me One Day, Realizing Things Are Meant To Be.
Hold Me In His Arms, Express To Me His Feelings,
Kiss Me Gently On My Lips, Softly Touching My Face,
Whisk Me Away To A Dreamland Made For Him And Me.
Together, We Will Fulfill The Rest Of Our Dreams.
Together We Will Find The Meaning Of Love.
Together, We Two, Will Become One