I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Stars Shine No More
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Sun Forgets To Shine
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Moon Has Lost Its’ Face
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Birds Forget To Sing
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
There Are No More Seasons
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
All Rivers Run Dry
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Sea No Longer Rushes To Shore
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Roses Forget To Bloom
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
You Have Found The End Of Your Rainbow
I Will Wait For ‘You’ Until …..
The Twelvth Of Never!
No Matter What I Will Always Wait For ‘You!’