I think of you
perhaps more often than i should
if i could at the drop a dime I’d rewind time because it seems that knowing you doesn’t do my heart any good
I’m talkin like i love you
truth is i barely know you
i owe you so many smiles that you placed on my face
just the thought of you
and all bad sad and mad feelings are erased
but stll i dont want you anymore
cause in an odd way you make me feel like a whore even though we’ve never touched
but on you i have a kindergared cruch but you always run away
and it feels like my feeling keep getting fucked
and you don’t even care
i mean i know that you know that these feelings are there because it’s oh so obvious
shocking cuz you do me sooo wrong
but your like fire that i keep playing with even though i know that it’s wrong
and it hurts so bad every time
and i never learn my lesson
so thats why i’d drop you like a dime cause
i feel like i can’t controll myself and your an obsession
like and addict around it’s substance and i have no help
but on the contrary to that you’d be soo good for me
always making my smile and bringing out the best in me
but i guess that you don’t want me around or your just not ready for me or you and i are hopeless of ever being
I dont even know cause we’ve never talked about it
and the chances of you or I ever bringing it up are highly doubted
I just wish i could get rid of these feelings that i’ve sprouted

by smtreese