I Saw You Dancing In My Dreams
You Danced To The Sun
You Danced To The Moon
You Danced In The Morn
You Danced In The Noon
But, I Know, It Was Not For Me
It Was For Him; And, Only Him
I Saw You Dancing In My Dreams
I’m Happy, That, I Saw You Such
And, Watched Sweet Moving Eyes, As Much
Then, Speeding Legs Came In My View
But Next Moment, I Saw A Crutch
Then, Something Dropped And, Curtain Dropped
It Went Pitch Dark And, Silence Cropped
Then Some One Moved In Dark, On A Crutch
Oh God! Who Is Who No! No! Not You
I Went Berserk, Ran And Then Fell
It Seemed As If I Was In Hell
At Nightmare’s Height Broke Dazzling Light
I Woke In Sweat Oh, It’s Alright
It Was Broad Day Light I Saw You Dancing: In My Dreams
I Don’t Know, Why, I’m So Concerned?
You’re Young, And Have Experience Earned
You Know What’s Good For You, I’m Sure
For All Evils, You Know Your Own Cure
I Want Not, See You Dancing Now
I’m Afraid Of All Those Light-Beams
I Saw You Dancing: In My Dreams