I Have Never Loved Before
The Way I Could Love You
My Heart Is Burning With Desire
For The Things I-‘d Like To Do

I-‘d Like To Hold You In My Arms
As My Heart Burns With Yours
I-‘d Like To Kiss Your Tender Lips,
Taste Your Bodies Fire,
But Still That Wouldn-‘t Quience
This Thirst Of My Burning Heart-‘s Desire
I Would Like To Hold Your Tender Hand
In Mine, As We Walk Along The Sand
I-‘d Like To Touch Your Bodies Flesh,
And Feel You Touching Mine
To Grasp The Rage Of Love And Lust
As We Start To Combine
I-‘d Like To Take You Far Beyond
The Pleasures Yet Unknown
Fill Your Soul With Sweet Delight
While You Feel My Heart With Your Love
I-‘d Like For Us To Be In Love
Has Never Been Known To Soul
Still Have A Burning Hearts Will Only Just Begun