How Much I Remember That Day
When You Said In Your Heart I-‘d Stay
No One Could Have Had More Happiness Than I
But It Soon Became A Sorrow As The Days Went By
Walking Alone In A Beautiful Park Astray
I Saw You With Someone Else One Day
You Were Looking So Deep Into That Girl-‘s Eyes
That Even You Couldn-‘t Hear My Desperate Cries
I Cried A Long Way Home
Feeling Myself Left Alone
My Banshee-Like Wails Could Be Heard Throughout The Night
But You Never Asked What Gave Me Such A Fright
I Decided To Give Up My Life For You
For What Was A Life If It Couldn-‘t Be Loved By You
But When I Took A Sharp Dagger In My Hand
I Remembered Those Who Had Helped Me Stand Up For Who I Am
I Possibly Could Not Betray Them
And Dropped The Knife Instead Of Causing Mayhem
Now It Has Been Many Years Since That Day
And You Have Come Back To Me, This Time To Stay
But Why Don-‘t I Believe You?
Is It That I Don-‘t Have Any Faith In You?
You Left Me Once, You Could Leave Me Again
I Don-‘t Want To Live That Horror Time And Again
Promise Me You Won-‘t Leave This Time
But Instead, Will Always Stay Mine
I Promise To Treasure You Forever,
Just Don-‘t Leave Me And Make Me Suffer