How do I say Goodbye?
It’s been two and a half years.
Shouldn’t you be gone?
For five long years you lied to me,
never facing the facts that she was
what you wanted, not me.
Yet here I am, still remembering,
your laugh, your smile.
All of our forever moments,
the feel of your kisses,
the warmth of your arms.
Why won’t they go away?
Physically, my life has moved on,
a husband, two children, and a home
of our own.
Yet these memories of you linger on
and on.
I keep telling myself, I have to
forget. Just let it all go.
I have a family to think of now,
so why won’t you leave me alone?
Yet I can see you plain as day
with tears in your eyes as I
walked away. But were they real
You never told me about the others,
you kept so many secrets locked
inside. You said you never meant
to be so cold, and there was so
much I should have known. But
you just left me in the dark,
drowning in my fears.
Now you’re with someone new,
is she as good as I was to you?
I guess it doesn’t matter,
you’ll still pull your same tricks.
Make her believe that I hurt you,
and that I was the one untrue.
But, although I know the truth now,
I still don’t feel free.
I want these memories gone,
I want to be left alone,
I want my heart to heal,
so I can feel the love that
I know is here by my side waiting.
Please won’t someone tell me?
How do I say Goodbye?

by mikesgirl520‚Â