Housework-‘s Such A Waste Of Time
Cleaning All That Filth And Grime
You Scrape And Wipe The Filthy Glass
You Shine And Polish All The Brass
I-‘d Love To Have A Nice Clean Pad
But All This Work Seems Very Hard
You Polish, Hoover Dust And Then
You Need To Start To Clean Again
I Cannot Ever Seem To Rest
This Cleaning-‘s Put Me To The Test
When I Sit Down To Watch Tv
Dust And Grime Is All I See
Toenail Clippings On The Floor
Ketchup On The Larder Door
Thick Black Tidemark Round The Tub
All These Things To Clean And Scrub
If I Wasn-‘t Such A Lazy Slob
I-‘d Just Get On And Do The Job
Instead I Sit On My Fat Butt
Or Go Out Strolling With The Mutt
Should I Give Up And Get A Life
Or Should I Be A Dutiful Wife?
The Problem Isn-‘t All That Great-Â…
I-‘ll Just Sit Down And Contemplate
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