Honey Is Gone To Lagos, Though Not A Lagosian.
Gone To Lagos In This Lonely Hour
If Time Is In My Side I Should Have Turned Back-
The Hand Of Time.I Should Have Caused It To Stop,
I Should Have Caused The Vegetable Love The Slow-
– Chaped Power That Foretold The Untold Journey.
Now My Lips Are Fixed And My Teeth Are Worned
Those Times You Were Here, Those Times You Were-
Not Praised, I Should Have Studied With Care Each-
Parts Of Your Body, I Should Have Counted The Numbers-
Of Your Hairs, I Should Have Named My Home Lagos
If I Know You Will Soon Need To Travel To Lagos.If I -—
Can Not I Should Have Coursed The Monster That Harbours-
Mistressmine, The Cruel Prison That Harbours Innocent Ladymine
You Do This When You Know My Hand Is Heavy To Dare Challenge,
And My Mouth To Challenge This Her Sudden Disappearance.
But I Can Only Go On Hating This Lagos, I Will Go On Telling Her-
Misdemeanour To My People, I Will Be Her Best Foe Till Doomsday But
All Of A Sudden I Recalled That You Have Done Me Good Now
No Matter How Long The Hand Goes It Must Surely Return To The Owner
When We Shall Warmly Embraced And Go To Lagos No More
Now You Are My Unforgettable Pal Till The Conversion Of Jews