Beat Your Chest
Till It’s Red
You’re An American
Loud And Proud
Atop War Clouds
In Sun Blistered Skin
Singing Tin Plate Anthems
Littering The Streets
And Living Comfortably
In Conventional Ways
Beat Your Chest
Till It’s Red
You’re An American
Idle Minds
And Black Hole Lies
Tell You That You Can’t
And You Believe In Them
So You Abide By Them
And Become One Of Them
But Before You Know It
And Disarray
Crack Your Egg Shell Head
While Campaign Hats
And Pierced Hands
Sweep The Hairs From It
And As They Seal The Drain
And Shampoo Cleans Your Brain
Your Heart Bleeds From The Blows
And The Tub Overflows
And When You Drown In It
I’ll Say I Told You So
As You Live Angrily
In Conventional Ways