And, there you were, at a time of need
Scribing of lust, and sex and greed
Gushing flattery and stroking pride
Yet, hiding from the truth inside
And in the secrecy of cyber space
Where words don-‘t wear a guilty face
You stoked the fire and fed the flames
With no restraint, no sense of shame
You lured me to this place of danger?
Offering solace to a forgotten stranger
In a fantasy world of make believe
Was easy prey to spells you weave
You wore the mask of an avatar
To disguise the man you really are
In a cursors flash, you plant the seeds
In a cyber garden of dirty deeds
You pen sweet songs of passion-‘s bliss
On a bed of fire, two lover-‘s kiss
Embraced to writhe in a hungered dance
Then drift elated in a sated trance
Across the wires your passion screams
In scrawled confessions of moonlit dreams
You singed the night with fire and lust
Then feigned in innocence, your heart untouched
But, while we sang the faceless lullabies
Our lust concealed from the public-‘s eye
I surrendered my heart to your games of sin
And found hell disguised as a garden of Zen

Leria Hawkins