You Say Those Words
And I Melt
I Get So Lost
That I Dont
Want To Search
My Way Home
You Do Things
To Me
That No One
Has Ever Done
With Such
Love And Purity
You Are The One
I Have Been Waiting For My Whole Life
Love Didnt Just Last Overnight
It Lasted For A Lifetime
The Things You Say
Makes Me Not Even
See Straight
Sometimes I Wanna
Ride On The Ship
But I Know
What Comes With The
That Private Loveboat
Might Just End Up
With Three’s Company
You Understood
And Told Me
It Was Okay
So Much You Are To Me
That Words Cant Say
This Joy
Such An Unspeakable Joy
Lets Me Know
That You Are Mine’s
And I Am Yours
We Claimed That Love
And Molded It
Into Each Other’s Hearts
The Moment
You Left Me
I Cried With
So Much Agony
Going Through My Veins
But I Knew
It Was Just Lonely Pain
Of Wanting To Touch
And Hold You
Without Daydreaming
But Actually
Becoming Reality
Loving You
Has Made The Sky Lit Up
The Sun Shine Happiness
Into My Soul
And I Dont Want To Let Go
Of Such A Thrill
That Spins Me Around
Turning Images
Into Wild Dazes
That Sometimes
I Would Rather Fantasize
Than Concentrate
Such A Heaven
That I Have Witnessed
And All Of His Condiments
That Add Up
To Pleasure And
Love Sonnets
On An Evening Sky
Once We Hold
Each Other
And Kiss Each Other