White Open Space
Cannot Retrace The First Steps
Of The Dance
Nothing Was In Sequence
Nor Sure Footed
The Imperfectionsts Were Noted
For Their ‘Built Up Shoes’
Every Flaw
Will Go Down In History
So Many
Too Many
To Name A Few
But This White Space
Holds No Memory
The Air Is Unchanged
With Every Breath
The Trees Cover Your Path
And Yet They Do Not See You Change
Or Growing Older
They Move Through And Around You
The Sun And The Stars
The Wind And The Rain
Makes No Special Place
For Your Coming And Going
Footprints Are Lost Like Names
You Give Them Hearts
But Thet Have Their Own Rythmns
Their Own Seasons
That Outlives Yours
And Like You,
This Will Not Go Down In History
For They Were Born To This
To Life And Death
To Watch Your Arrival
And Bare No Heed, To Your Departing