When I die tonight, or whenever, that will be the end
Of it -— food for worms -— I am 99.9 % convinced,
Nothing remains, no memory, no karma, no soul.
But then it is undiscovered country from whose
Bourne no traveler returns: those who prate of rebirth
Cannot prove what they were in previous birth.
Mind is its own place in itself one or the other -—
Heaven and hell are tricks of fancy,
To keep us on the straight social path.
Billions dead cannot be indifferent
To loved ones on earth ignorant of post-death,
Are they so poor in telecom infrastructure?
If there is anything beyond death
I cannot believe our loving dads and moms
Would not have sent a single message,
Dream, thought or flicker to enlighten us.
No, I am convinced they are no more literally,
And that is why we don-‘t get any sms or signal.
So let me go into death and be no more:
Realize the truth of meditation and be nothing.
Cheer up! my loved ones and friends, and accept my
Farewell: I lived well. You do, too. Nothing beside remains.
Cremate the body no longer mine, and return joyfully
To your work, home, loved ones, things and scenes.
Daniel Trevelyn Joseph