We’ve Been In Darkness For So Long
Just Waiting For The Light
And Now That You Have Come My Way
My Days Don’t Seem Like Nights
I’m Glad I Finally Overcame
My Fears Of The Other Side
Thank You For Showing The Way
By Taking Me On This Ride
I’ve Never Really Felt This Way
About A Guy Before
You’ve Truly Touched Me Deep Inside
You’ve Opened Up The Door
With You I Never Have To Guess
Just How You Really Feel
You Talk To Me About The Facts
And Tell Me What’s The Deal
With You I Feel So Comfortable
Like Nothing Can Go Wrong
I Get This Tingly Feeling Inside
You Sing To Me Like A Song
I’m Trying To Live In The Moment
And Forget About The Past
And So Far It’s Been Working
And It’s Really Been A Blast!