Tis Glorious To Trace How The God Of All Grace
Works His Shining Salvation-‘s Decree,
And Loving Him Now, I Rejoice To See How
It-‘s Because Of His First Loving Me.
The Process Began With His Purpose And Plan
From Before The Foundation Of Time:
He Named Me His Own, And Thus I Was Foreknown,
Though Through No Undertaking Of Mine.
His Love Would Not Rest Without Me Being Blessed;
He Ensured It Would All Come To Pass.
He Predestined The Line, How My Life Would Unwind
To Conform To Christ-‘s Image At Last.
The Time Finally Came When He-‘d Realize His Claim
And Reveal His Dear Son In My Heart.
The Call Of His Word Then Effectually Stirred
The Sweet Hearing Of Faith On My Part.
By Faith Justified, With My Sins Purified,
In His Righteousness I-‘m Made To Stand.
He Gave Me New Birth That-‘s Of Infinite Worth;
I Partake Of His Nature So Grand.
Thus Attached To The Vine, I Can Bear Fruit Divine,
For His Promise Of Glory-‘s Begun,
But It Won-‘t Be Complete Till I Bow At His Feet
And Forever Give Praise To The Son