The Human Population Increasing And Bigger Grows The Rural Town
And For More Houses To House More People More Woodland Trees Have Been Cut Down
And Nature’s Children Made To Suffer The Local Wildlife Have Been Dispossessed
When Creatures Lose The Wood They Lived In They Become Homeless And Distressed
And Without Shelter They Fall Victim Of Predators Due To Habitat Destruction Wildlife Becoming Rare
Few Of Them Survive Dispossession For So Few Can Hope To Live Elsewhere
So Few Successful At Dispossessing Others And If Predator Does Not Get Them Of Hunger They Die
And More Species Near To Extinction And That Extinction Is Forever Is Not A Lie,
The Human Population Is Increasing And Wildlife Is On The Decrease
And Humans Of Yet Have Not Learned With Nature For To Live In Peace
Each Day More Species Are In Extinction And Extinction Is Forever More
And Climate Change And Habitat Destruction Take Toll On Wildlife As Never Before
The Human Population Is Increasing And More Trees Are Being Cut Away
And That Wildlife Are Becoming Rarer That Does Seem A Sad Thing To Say.
Francis Duggan