The Clock On Our Lives Ever Ticking And Ticking And Ticking Away
And We All Have A Date With The Reaper For Each Of Us A Final Day
Some Do Not Even Live To Be Twenty And Some Live To Be Old And Gray
One Day We Must Return To Nature And In Nature’s Bosom We Will Lay,
The Clock On Our Lives It Is Ticking And Time For None Never Does Wait
The Reaper Is The True Egalatarian He Makes Equal The Non Achiever And The Great
Us Humans Are Much Like Nature’s Seasons We Come To Life And From Life We Go
But Nature She Lives On Forever As The Only Immortal I Know
The Clock On Our Lives It Is Ticking And Yesterday Is Now In The Past
And Each Morning That We Wake To See Is One Morning Nearer To Our Last
The Reaper His Huge Scythe Is Swinging The Tall Poppies Fall One By One
For He Is The Great Equalizer When All Is Said And All Is Done
And The Clock On Our Lives It Is Ticking And The Hands Of Time Are Turning Fast
And We Can Only Live In The Present For Yesterday Is In The Past.
Francis Duggan