Someone Read My Poem Today.
He Said It Was Uplifting.
My Poetry Is Who I Am.
My Poetry Is My Gifting.
And When I Share It With The World,
The World Gives Back To Me.
A Heartfelt Response,
A Kind Word,
I Love The World,
And I Can See,
That If I Extend That Love,
By Being Me,
The World Will Open Up Her Arms.
The World Embraces Me.
And So My Heart Beats,
To The Rhythm Of This Love,
And Poetry Flows Out Of Me,
Like Kisses From Above.
If God Is In And Around Us,
Than Surely You Are He.
Showing Through Me,
And Reflecting Back To Me,
How Loving His World Can Be.
So Thank You Precious Reader,
For Speaking Back To Me.
The Voice Of God That-‘s In Your Heart.
Peace Be With You, Peace To Me.