Our Friend, Darrell, Was A Very Special Man.
He Was A Friend, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew, And Uncle.
He Could Find The Good In Everything.
He Could Always Make You Feel Better When You Were Down. He Was A Devoted Family Man,
Half Of A Wonderful Couple,
And An Awesome Father To Three Bright And Cherished Children.

Darrell Was Called To Defend Our Country Against Terrorism For The Future Of Our Nation.
A Hero He Was Bound To Be As He Went Away.
Everyone Was Praying For His Safe Return.
A Day Of Sorrow Came,
Word Was Received Of Sad News;
God Had Called His Angel, Darrell, Home.
He Will Be Greatly Missed By All.
But Know That Forever
He Is With Us In Our Hearts Never To Be Forgotten.
He Is Now Our Guardian Angel
Watching Over All Of His Family And Friends.