Nationalists of all Nations are similar ‘twould seem
Their National flag on flagpost in their front yard is there for all to be seen
Their message is we are superior to every other Race
And the culture of others we never will embrace.

And one thing about Nationalists they never have been rare
I see and meet them every day for they live everywhere
Proud of their Nationality and full of patriotic pride
In their naivety they do believe that God is on their side.
Nationalists of all Nations multiculturalism do not embrace
For the culture of other Races than their’s in their lives there’s not a place
They are not egalatarin or never pretend to be
They merely feel superior to all of humanity.
You will find them in every Race and they live everywhere
Nationalists they are quite plentiful they never have been rare
Their National flag in their front yards say more than words can say
They feel so much superior and they’ve always been that way.
Francis Duggan