Life Without Meaning Is Real Fully Empty As Opposed
To Life That Has Hope And Something To Live For,
Which Life Is Fully Full.
This Poem Is About An Empty Life That Is Fully
Filled In Another-‘s Life- The Cross Bearer, Jesus Christ
Full Surrender Makes One Empty Feel
When One Self To Another Is Turned
The One Self Out Of Self Feel
The Full Emptiness
When One-‘s Will To Another-‘s Given
Another To Be Fully Controlled By
Then The One Is Left To Feel
The Full Emptiness
When One Denies One-‘s Being
And Another-‘s Being Accepts
The Denied Being Experiences
The Full Emptiness
But This Full Emptiness
Is Actually Fully Full
When One: To Cross Bearer Surrenders
When One: To Cross Bearer-‘s Will Wills His Own
When One: Denies Oneself And The Cross Bearer Accepts
And Experiences The Full Fullness
The Full Emptiness
Means The Emptiness That Is Fully Filled
By The Emptied Fullness Of Life
Of The Fully Emptied Cross Bearer
Who Fully Emptied His Fullness
To Fill The Empty Fullness
Of The Mortal Beings That They May Have
The Full Fullness Of Life And Living
Thus The Full Emptiness Turns Full Fullness