Just One More Huff…
Just One More Pill…
And I Promise I’ll Be Still!
Just One More Hit…
Just One More Fix…
And I Promise This Will Be It!
Just One More Sniff…
Just One More Drink…
This Will Be My Last One… I Think
I Start To Choke…
And Grab My Throat…
I Hit The Floor And See No More…
The Lights Go Out…
I Start To Shout…
‘Where Am I Now? ‘
Bright Lights Blind My Eyes As I Feel The
Cold Surface Of The Operating Table…
The Doctors And Nurses Agreed…
‘No Doubt This Kid Oded’
There’s Nothing More They Could Do…
This Kid’s System Is In Over-Drive…
No Way For Them To Possibly Survive…
As This Is Said I See The Look In My Parents’ Eyes…
They Look So Sad, So Shocked, So Surprised…
That Their Precious Child Would Vanish
Before Their Very Eyes…
They Unhook The Cables And Roll Me Away…
Just A Few More Floors Down To The Morgue,
Where I’ll Stay Until I’m Made Fit For The Grave…
As I Lay In My Casket I Can Hear…
The Preacher Speaking Loud And Clear.
The Tears And The Sadness Is Too Much For Me To Bear!
I Can’t Close My Eyes As The People Just Stare…
At My Lifeless Body Just Lying There.
Then The Pastor Ends The Message With…
A Personal Note And A Prayer.
‘I Guess This Is It…
I Guess Its Goodbye…
Please Know That I Didn’t Want To Die…
I Just Wanted To Be Cool…
And In The End I Am The Fool…
For Taking A Risk That Wasn’t Mine To Take…
Trying To Be Someone Else, Something Fake…
Which Is What Lead To My Ultimate Fate…
Now My Body Lies In A Box With No Way To Get Out…
Not Even A Lock Without A Key
For Me To Find And Break Free!
Now I Meet My Maker As I Face Eternity