It-‘s Time: Let-‘s Go!
All Priests Are Gone! Bells No More Ring!!
Feasts Are All Done; Just Look, Darling!
We-‘re Now Lonely!
We-‘re Now -Ë—only-‘!!
Let, Now, Our Beats Combine And Sing!
Our Flat, Waits Us:
Let-‘s Board, And Row!
It-‘s Time: Let-‘s Go!
Our Velvet Bed Is Lined With Silk;
And, Decorated With Night-Queens!
Those Walls Shine, As If Washed With Milk;
And, All Corners Have Leafy Greens!
That-‘s Lovely Place To Dwell, In Love!
It-‘s Sans Sadness!
It-‘s Sans Sorrow!!
It-‘s Time: Let-‘s Go!
We-‘re No More Strangers, Now! Are We?
Just Have Been In Our Arms Lately;
And, We Have Kissed Our Lips At Large,
In Public; And, Most Sacredly!
Look Yonder: That Creeper, That Tree,
Are In Close Company! Let-‘s Follow!
It-‘s Time: Let-‘s Go!
We-‘ll Have, Soon, Prettier Moments, Yes!
And, Soon, We-‘ll Get Our Cherished Due!!
To The World Of Love, We-‘re Exposed, Yes,
Midst Experiences Fresh And‚ ‚  New!
Your Palms Are Soft! Your Arms Are Warm!!
Let Bodies Mingle, Souls Bestow!
It-‘s Time: Let-‘s Go!