It Took Me Awhile That’s Just Me
I Guess I Just Coulden’t See
That I Was Just Your Other Friend
For Times Your Heart Was On The Mend
For The Times You Guys Had A Fight
You Needed Someone To Treat You Right
So You’d Come To Me And I’d Be There
Knowing That I’d Be The One To Care
You’d Stay Awhile But Not To Long
No Explanation You’d Just Be Gone
You’d Go Back To Her Just Like Before
Back And Forth And In And Out The Door
I Just Sat Back Thinking This Is Fine
Hoping Someday You’ll Be Only Mine
I Guess I Was Waiting Around To See
If You Wanted To Be With Her Or Me
But I’m Starting To Really Like You
So I Don’t Know What To Do
I Try My Hardest Not To Care
I Know What Your Doing Is Not Fair
I Guess I Think If I Wait Around
Maybe Someday You’ll Figure Out
That I’m The One You Want Forever
Noone Else Just Us Together