I Open The Door To My Already Wounded Heart
Pain Brought Upon Myself From The Very Start
A Heart That Knows Suffering And Pain;

A Foolish And Young Naive Girl Was I
Who Thought Without This Person I Would Die
Little Did I Know Because Of My Wrong Choice
I Would Continually Down Through The Years
Hear My Mothers Warning Voice
A Voice That Spoke To Me Way Before
I Ever Chose To Walk Into That Door
A Voice That Spoke Words Of Wisdom And Love
Because Of Her Relationship With The Lord Above
A Very Wise And Loving Mother She Had Been
Sometimes Being So Very Young We Never Listen
Listen Not To The Voice Of Experience And Reason
But To What Ever Words Of Expression Spoken To
Us At Any Season
Sometimes I Find Myself Truly Sorry For
The Walk I Ended Up Taking Through That Door
Yet, I Look Back At All My Mistakes
And I Realize This Is Not An Act Of Fate
Neither For Me Or For Some Of You Is It To Late
The Pain And Sorrow That Found Its Way
Into My Life Came Wanting To Stay
But I Have Learned In This Past Year
After All The Pain, Suffering And Many A Tear
That Through All Of This I Must Share
Share With Others The Love I’ve Found
In Our Lord Whom Cares
This Lord I Speak Of Knew First Hand
What Kind Of Sorrow , Pain And Suffering
We Were Going To Experience In This Land
He Gave To Me Strength And Courage To Become
A Woman Seeking And Loving Jesus Christ
His Only Begotten Son
In Reading His Word And Applying It To My Life
It Helped To Rid Me Of So Much Strife
Then One Day As He Spoke To Me
This Is When I Began To Finally See
See That Even In The Ashes Of Hurt
How We Were Created Just From Dirt
Yet, He Told Us We Were Made
In The Likeness Of Him
Having Come To Know This I Realized ,
I Have Been Made Destined To Win
Although Pain And Sorrow Continued To Reside
Not Once Did He Ever Leave My Side
Here I Am Now With His Purpose For Me In Mind
For Me To Become A Wounded Healer In Time
Broken Hearts , Broken Spirits, Sorrow And Disappointments In Life
Come To Us All , Came To Me As A Wife
Yet , I Let God Into My Broken Heart
From The Very Start
This Is When He Showed Me How I Could Be
That Wounded Healer, Him Working Through Me
He Began To Guide And Reveal What I Must Do
This Applies Not Only For Me But The
Entire World Too
Let Him In So We Can Win
Out Of Our Wounded Hearts And Sorrows
Through Him Is Hope For All Our Tomorrows
By Shalier