I Get
So Lost
In Those Long Eyelashes
That You Think
Are Too Feminine
Not Understanding
That They’re Unisex
Not Just For Women
But How You
Perk Yourself Up
Just To Clip At Them
Its Just The Child In You
How You Sing
From Your Nose
And Claim
Its Your Diaphragm
How Sometimes
You Get Upset
And Just Dont
Give A D***
But How At Times
You See Im Hurting
And Sweetly Hold My Hand
It’s Just The Love In You
How You Make
Exaggerating Noises
When You’re Eating
How Your Brain
Shuts Down
When Others
Have Different Opinions
Or Ignore People
When They’ve Pointed
Out Different Reasons
It’s Just The Immaturity In You
How You Wont
Swallow Pride
But Instead Hold On
How You
Get In That Angry Mode
And Want To Be Left Alone
But How You
Turn Right Back Around
And Sing Your Little Song
It’s Just The Friend In You