I Am Sorry My Tears
Coz I Have Trapped You
Whenever You Wanted To Flow
I Have Always Stopped You
I Know Inside For You
It Is Very Suffocating
But Even If You Flow
Nothing You Will Be Getting
You Will Flow
And Get Vanished Somewhere
And Till That Time
People Will Show That They Do Care
So Better Don’t Expect
Anybody’s Sympathy
You Are True
You Don’t Deserve False Pity
I Know You Wanna Come Out
To Make Me Feel Relieved
What You Think?
Will This Make My Wounds Get Healed?
Rather Than You
Its More Painful For Me
My Dreams Getting Shattered
Is What Everyday I See
Still I Smile
And Pretend To Be Carefree
But Whats Behind?
Nobody Ever Tried To See
Like A Poison Inside Me
Still I Wanna You To Hold
Desperately I Wanna Breath
But My Breaths Have Turned Frozen And Cold
Through My Body
Like Blood You Run
Now You Are My Night
And The Only Sun
So Don’t Feel Hurted
And Never Do Leave My Eyes
A Bond Of Love
Ours Relation Is So Nice
Whenever I Smile – You Glitter
And Make My Eyes Glow
So Please Wait Till My Death
Mabbe Then From Every Eye You Will Flow