Help Me, I’m Down To The Ground
As The Lonely Woman Walks Round
She Never Bothers To Stop
As Her Bubble Gum Pops
She Looks Through Me Like I’m Not Even There
Injured And Alone I Need Her Care
I’m In A Dream Not Knowing A Thing
As I Hope To Put On The Gold Wedding Ring
On Her Tiny Finger A Gold Ring Sits
I Realize Its Fake As She Gives Me A Hit
I Feel Like An Idiot Why Did I Do That?
She Walks Away Wearing That Lovely Pink Hat
I’m Still Down Next To The Popular Mall
While I Start Shouting To All
What Do I Do I Need To Be Saved?
At Least I Got Thanked For The Flower I Gave
Than I Got Attacked By A Gummy Bear
Taking The Apple Out Of My Hair
Where The Apple Came From I Have No Clue
Then I Got Saved By A Girl Named Sue