Formerly: And You Will Claim
And You Will Claim We Need More Births
To Keep Our Population Mix In Check While
Nature-‘s Truths Suggest There Are Too Many
Of Us Yet. And You Will Make The Claim With
Good Intent, Wear The Jeers Precipitated By
Our Peers; You-‘ll Blame Statistics For The
Deed No Doubt, You-‘ll See The Figures Shout
A Raw Event, A Massive Rise In Aged Percent,
A Generation Which Will Dent Resources You-‘ve
Restrained Through Stringent Fiscal Policy.
Is That Indeed Official View? So Make Us Breed
To Right The Scale, Create A Younger Set To Settle
Up Our Social Debt, A Captive Gang With Time In
Hand To Pay The Way. I Wouldn-‘t Want To Be A
Child Whose Birth Was Instanced By A Budget Gift
Of 1500 Bucks, Give Or Take, Accompanied By An
Airy Pledge That You Would Make Provision For
Me Down The Track.
On Looking Back I Should Have Guessed Your
Game, Even Noted That Your Ages Tell The Same
Old Story; So It-‘s The -Ë—grow Or Die Economy-‘,
Times Are Hard Competing On A Global Plane -—
A Death Or Glory Scheme, Again, So Nothing-‘s
Changed In That Respect. You Must Have Missed
The Lead My Friend, Young Ones Still Won-‘t Breed
In Times-‘ Like Yours. The Cause? Their Values Are
Estranged, Their Lives Are Rearranged As Such
Which 1500 Bucks Won-‘t Set Aflame.