For Lil’ Valuable Mary
What Has Happened Breaks The Plane Of What’s Real
Bores Down Unmercifully Upon Our Best Intentions
We Have Seen Our Best Friend’s Bodies Blown Apart
Seen Devastation Of Children’s And Mother’s Lives
What Wars Have Done Now Undoes A Heart’s Palpitations
When Your Love Broke Away Into Nothingness
And Machines Kept You Alive
While Blood Drained Away Your Life
Then The Plugs Were Pulled
And Sobbing Broke The Morning Light
Followed By Memorial Service Noble Gestures
Your Body Rendered Into Ashes
My Eyes Peered Two-Thousand Yards Beyond
The Smoky Landscape A Place I No Longer Abide
Where The Heartbreak Issued Its Memorandum
You Could Have Touched Me And I’d Dissolve
Into The Twilight Into The Broken-Hearted Haze