Each Day I Get Up
And What’s First On My Mind?
Why Clear As The Daylight
It’s You I Find
I Stumble Into The Shower
Glowing With Love
Make Myself Pretty
Thank The Heavens Above
That You Are Mine
And Yours I Am
Together We Are
As My Feelings Stem
I Drive Off To School
Only Thinking Of You
Gather My Books
Oh If Only You Knew!
I Wait At Our Break
For You To Come
But Oh When You Don’t!
It’s I Who Is Glum
I Wait After Lunch
Look For Your Face
Try To Be Casual
But It’s A Lost Case..
But Oh When You Come!
How Nervous I Get
I Talk About Things
I Later Regret
And Then I Worry
For All Of The Night
That These Things Are The Things
That Will Cause You To Flight
Oh What A Dance
Our Young Love Is, Shared
At First I Am Pleased..
And Then I Get Scared