Can Anybody Really Be Called Art Brownstein?
Can He Really Change Our Health In Only Ten
Measly Days? All We Have To Do, The Artless
Brownstein Says, Is Laugh, Play, Believe, Drink –
No Tea Or Coffee; Eat -— Whatever He In His Wis-
Dom Recommends – And From Diabetes To
Cancer, High-Blood Pressure To In-Growing
Toe-Nails, We-‘ll Become Happy And Young;
With His Natural Regime, We Can Extend Our
Lives Indefinitely -— Why Do I Feel Slightly
Uneasy When He Promises Everything
But Only If I Order His Magic Book On Healing,
Not A Word Does He Divulge About This Mira-
Culous, Medication-Less Healing, I Must Order
His Book For A Free Preview -— Apparently Then
I-‘ll Be Hooked And Pay Whatever Price He Sets
To Remain In Possession Of The Best
Healing Book Of The 21st Century!
Thank You, Dr Brownstein, Your Art In Selling
Happiness For Health Is Highly Appreciated;
Let Me Just Swallow One More Pill And Take
Another Swill Of The Drink In My Glass-Â…