As An Infidel The Judgemental Me Do Pigeon Hole
They Dismiss Me As One Who Does Not Have A Soul
For Questioning The Existence Of God In My Doggerel
They Dismiss Me As One Bound For Poetasters Hell,
Those Who Think Differently To Them They Look On As Bad
Or If Not Misguided Or Mentally Mad
To Their Beliefs Others They Try To Convert
And Their Right To Be Judgemental They Like To Assert
They Are Convinced That Only Good People To Their Religion Belong
And That Those Who Believe Differently To Them Have Got It All Wrong
They Feel That Agnostics And Atheists Are Doomed Forever More
They Never Will Rise Above This Earthly Shore
And As For Me A Cynical Infidel
They Have Me Condemned To The Poetasters Hell.
Francis Duggan