On diz Frndship Day

Let’s promise to our


-Evn if 1 of us becomes

…CEO of a company

V wd call him/her n say

“Natak mat kar kamine,

Aaj ghoomne jaye’n ge

bas” =)

-Evn if V r too busy wid

our jobs

V wd take tym 2 sms

ech othrx

“Bht bore lyf hy yaar” =S

-Evn if V wd bcum d most

responsible person in our


V wd do smthing so tht

our frndz can say

“Sala duffer koi kaam theek

se nhi kr skta”;->

-Evn if V wd go 2 a meeting

of a big co. as opponents

V wd greet ech othr saying

“Abay kamine..tu yahan

Chai pilata hy kia yahan” …