Category: Funny Jokes
Funny Jokes / Short, Stupid, Love and English Jokes SMS
Ye chatri buhat khobsoratap ne kahan se
?ye Chatri buhat khobsorat,ap nE kahan Se khareedi?? :ye Ek behan ki taraf se tuhfa…
If 15 225 3125 4625then 5 think
If? 1=5, 2=25, 3=125, 4=625,then 5=? Think b4 scrolling down! Ans is 1 ,remember 1st…
In a bar man attend da call
In a bar, a man attend da call of a ringing mobile. Man: Hello! Wife:…
A picture can describe thousand words
A Picture Can Describe Thousand Words ….! But With The Help 0f Photo-shop …It Can…
When you have done wrong and are
When you have done wrong and you are in trouble, go to your parents for…
Try this its fun take ur
Try This Its Fun! Take Ur Mobile, Select Vibrate Mode & Put In Water &…
Message from boss to employes
Message From Boss to Employes ? ChOoSe a JoB YoU lOvE AnD YoU wIlL nEvEr…
Girls psychology fraud with innocent boys
Girls Psychology !!! Fraud with Innocent Boys Fun with Handsome Boys Friendship with Charming Boys…
I hate when someone asks are
I Hate When Someone Asks: “Are You Sleeping … ???” …No I am Just Looking…