Category: Funny Jokes
Funny Jokes / Short, Stupid, Love and English Jokes SMS
Tcherquotgeorge chopped down his fathers tree amp
Tcher:"George chopped down his fathers tree & admitted doing it. Do u know why his…
When i open my eyes every morning
When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have…
A why are you late b there
A: Why are you late? B: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar…
Attending a wedding for the first time
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, “Why…
A man meets an accident with his
A man meets an accident with his new Ferrari. . Policemen arrives. . Man:- (cried)…
A wedding is just like funeral
A Wedding Is Just Like A Funeral Except That You Get To Smell Your Own…
Class rooms r like train 1st
Class Rooms R Like Train 1st 2 Bench R Executive Coaches Reserved For VIP Middle…
Boy 2 girl hey if i
Boy 2 girl : Hey if i climb this coconut tree, i can see Engineering…
Definition of a happy couple
Definition Of A Happy Couple : HE Does What SHE Wants And SHE Does What…
Teacher can anyone tell me advantages of
Teacher: Can anyone tell me advantages of chemicals? Little Johnny: Noxious substances from which modern…
Love is not how long uve been
LovE is Not HoW LonG U’ve BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U’ve GIvEn oR RecEivE;…
An idea can change your life but
An Idea Can Change Your Life But, A Woman can change your IDEA.. So, Always…
1 day i read smoking is bad
1 day I read Smoking is Bad, I Stop Smoking! 1 day I read Drinking…
Do u know newzealand mai ek
Do u know? . . . NewZealand mai ek ajeeb o gharib Bacha peda hua…
Heights of professional respect a begger won
Heights Of Professional Respect.. A Begger Won 50 Lac Rs Lottery N He Took Gold…
Teachr whats d benifit of eating spinach
Teachr: What’s D Benifit Of Eating Spinach? Studnt: Eat Spinach & U’ll GrowUp Big &…
A banner come sign board in front
A Banner Come Sign Board In Front Of An IT Company . . . Drive…
U can control ur breath but not
U can control ur Breath but not Death U can control ur Life but not…
I have many proposals for getting
I Have Many Proposals For Getting RICH, All I Need Is The Time …. ….
Waiter and how did you find
Waiter : And how did you find your steak sir? Man : Well, quite accidentally….
Jesus says to john come forth ill
Jesus says to John come forth ill give you eternal life. John came fifth he…
What is a best and worst news
What is a BEST and WORST news you can hear at the SAME time ?…
A very rich man went to a
A very rich man went to a village with his son to show him HOW…
Killing english 1 principal to student
Killing English 1. Principal to student…” I saw u yesterday rotating near girls hostel pulling…
Innocent reply kid teacher can i go
Innocent Reply: Kid: TeaCher Can I Go To The BathroOm ? Teacher: (CorreCting him) “May”…
Two humans ascended a certain geological protuberance
Two humans ascended a certain geological protuberance to collect a hydride of oxygen whose quantity…
Height of fb addiction a boys facebook
Height of fb addiction: A boy’s FACEBOOK status- i’m online on fb durin lecture. Haha…
A lady broke a signal was
A lady broke a signal & was presentd in front of judge LADY: Ur honor…
Win an iphone a car 0r
Win An iphone, A CAR, 0r A HOUSE In DUBAI… Use A Sharp 0bject To…
Attitude of youth we are
Attitude of Youth 🙂 “We are mOre brilliant than Einstein and Newton.. . . ….
When somebody says expect the unexpected
When Somebody Says “Expect The Unexpected” . . . . . . . . ….
Hus amp wife talaaq k baad
Hus & wife Talaaq k baad Hus:Bacha mera hay Wife:Waah Jee Waah..! Bartan mera Doodh…
82065 missed calls from your mate you
5 missed calls from your mate, you missed a bachelor party last night. 5 missed…
An applicant to his new boss sir
An applicant to his new Boss. “Sir, I always give 100% at work!” Boss: “Oh,…
Send dis msg to 7000 ppl
Send Dis Msg To 7,000 Ppl Do Not Ignore! Dis Is Not A Joke Its…
If u have the talent and skill
If u have the talent, and u have the skill, and u want to do…
After 0ur last argument i told
After 0ur Last Argument, I Told My Girlfriend, “I Hope Your Next Boyfriend Appreciates The…
A girl dialed her own number from
A Girl Dialed Her Own Number From Her Boyfriend’s Cell To See Her Name Saved…
If someone steps on your foot
If Someone Steps On Your Foot & Asks: “Did I Hurt You . . .?”…
It is not being in love that
It is not being in love that makes me happy… but is being in love…
Question define a boss ans an
Question: Define a boss? Ans: An idiot who thinks that nine women can produce a…
Dont u have enough concentration to study
dont u have enough concentration to study?………………… study?………….. follow my advice…… drink minimum water so…
Girl which is more important to you
Girl: Which Is More Important To You? Your Life Or Me? Boy: Before I Answer…
Man 1 i got married bcoz
Man 1 : I Got Married Bcoz I Was Tired Of Cooking, Cleaning Home n…
Each nyt i go 2 sleepi die
“Each nyt I go 2 sleep,I die. Next day I wake up,I’m reborn.” -M.K.Gandhi “Each…
Real fact of d millenium quotwhnevr
Real Fact Of D Millenium. "Whnevr U Throw A Stone In The Streets Of Lahore…
classic boy is your body
~*~ CLASSIC ~*~ Boy: Is Your Body From McDonald . . . ? …Girl: Why,…
There was a couple who had two
There was a couple who had two daughters.. Both were beautiful girls.. The couple didnt…
People say you only fall in love
People say you only fall in love once, but when I hear your voice I…
Husbandi hear dat husband amp wife r
husband:i hear dat husband & wife r not allowed 2 b 2gether in heaven,is it…
Hiabhishek kumar hey you are fine na
Hi…abhishek kumar hey you are fine na iam good moring………………………………………………..gud bay…gud luk…
I dont get the saying if
I Don’t Get The Saying “If You Snooze, You Lose.” I Hit The Snooze Button…
Announcement in university the students who
Announcement in University: “The students who have parked their cars on the driveway, please move…
Boy im searching for the most beautiful
Boy: I’m searching for the most beautiful girl..!! Girl: Look I came for you..!! Boy:…
A woody joke what wood happn
A Woody Joke.. . . . What wood happn if u had a wooden car,…
Customer shouted waiter waiter theres
Customer Shouted: “Waiter, Waiter ! There’s A Dead Fly In My Soup…” Waiter Replied: “Oh…
Customer to waiter everyday you charge
Customer to waiter : Everyday you charge me money for a cup of coffee. How…
R u intelegent ans thez 1 china kis
R u intelegent.. Ans thez 1-China kis mulk main hai? 2-14Aug kis date ko ati…
Boss beware of 50 50 90 rule employee what
Boss: “Beware of 50-50-90 rule!” Employee: “What do you mean Sir?” Boss: “Anytime you have…
In an accounting class instructor was talking
In an accounting class, instructor was talking about budgets. Teacher: "What is a budget?" Little…
If u need original tigers nail
If U Need Original Tigers Nail For Ur Chain Locket Contact Me Immediately Bcos M…
Definition of laziness itz
Definition Of Laziness :- -:- iT’z A tElEnT oF tAlKiNg ReSt BeFoRe YoU gEt TiRed…
Once in a soap industry japan the
Once in a soap industry in Japan, the soap cover was mistakenly packed without soap…
A girl updated her status on facebook
A Girl Updated her Status on facebook: “:((” 1st Boy Commented: What happened Babes? Am…
Boss hey tina his secretary are
Boss: Hey Tina (His Secretary) Are You Free Sunday Evening??? Tina: Yes Absoultely!!! Boss: Good…
Two best advices for safe life
Two Best advices for safe life : . . . 1. Always speak the truth,…
Question how to kill an ant
Question: “How to Kill an Ant??” Asked in an Exam for 10 Marks!! Student: Mix…
I looked 4 u up down
I Looked 4 U Up Down Left Right Here There Everywhere just 2 sprAy MORTEIN…….
A pizza and an apple were thrown
A pizza and an apple were thrown down from the 15th floor. Which will reach…
giggling bites call a girl
! Giggling Bites ! “Call a girl pretty & She will remember it for 5…
The rain makes all things beautiful grass
The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass & flowers 2. If rain makes all…
The most unfulfilled desire of all science
The Most Unfulfilled Desire Of All Science Students Is… A Bomb Should Have Fallen Instead…
Mrinside went 2 c mroutside inside standng
Mr.inside went 2 c Mr.outside. Inside standng outside called Outside outside bt Outside standng inside…
Chosing career is like chosing wife from
Chosing career is like chosing wife from 10 Girl friends, Even if u pick most…
If facebook get banned you will
If Facebook get Banned, You will See People Roaming , in the Streets with Their…
Fill in the blankim ur friend a cute
Fill in the blank…Im ur …..friend- a)-Cute b)-Sweet c)-Loving d)-Boy/Girl e)-Best of all Reply is…
Modern definition 0f boy friend
Modern Definition 0f ” Boy Friend ” A Person Who Has To Like All The…
Ek mulazam ne boss se kahaagr ap
Ek Mulazam ne boss Se kaha:Agr ap NE meri pay na barhai to. . .?…
In a class teacher asked if i
In a class, teacher asked: If I buy an item@ 12.75 n sell@15.25, it’s loss…