Category: Funny Jokes
Funny Jokes / Short, Stupid, Love and English Jokes SMS
Height of bravery for girls moving
Height of bravery for girls .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …..
Definition for human being a creature
Definition for Human being: A creature that cuts trees ,makes papers and writes “SAVE TREES”…
Having 1 child makes you a parent
Having 1 child makes you a parent but having 2 makes you a refree. Marriage…
Teacher give me sentence with a direct
Teacher: Give Me Sentence With a Direct Object. Student: Every one Thinks You Are The…
Two tigers were resting under a tree
Two Tigers were resting under a tree.. Suddenly a RABBIT passed very fast Tiger could…
tragedies of girls life 1
-=- TRAGEDIES OF GIRLS LIFE -=- 1- Good Boys r Not Good Looking =P ……
Boy to girl will you marry
Boy To Girl : Will you marry me . . .? (Girl remains silent…) Boy…
Fact of life only 1 the
Fact of Life… Only 1% of the girls become wife of their lovers, the remaining…
Fact of our life whenever we find
Fact of our life: Whenever we find the key 2 success, Some idiots change the…
Attachment is not when two people chat
Attachment is not when two people chat Day & Night. . . . Its when…
Evolution of man without shadi spiderman
Evolution of MAN: Without Shadi SPIDERMAN,,, Shadi ke waqt SUPERMAN,,, Shadi ke baad GENTLEMAN,,, Aur…
Someone asked shakespeare u married a girl
Someone Asked Shakespeare: “U Married A Girl Elder Than U, Why?” He Showed Him A…
Two ladies fighting for a seat in
Two ladies fighting for a seat in a bus .. Bus Conductor : The older…
Every man needs a beautiful wife intelligent
Every Man Needs A Beautiful Wife Intelligent Wife Caring Wife Loving Wife Smart Wife Adjusting…
A mouse was going with its kidsa
A mouse was going with its kids.a CAT jumped infront of them. Mouse shouted:” BHOW…
Ppl say a kiss is on
Ppl Say A Kiss Is On HEAD A Sweet Kiss On CHEEKS A Passionate Kiss…
I was worried in a dream
I was worried in a DREAM last nite i saw all the DEVILS of the…
An acountant in a big firm had
An acountant in a big firm had a very strange habit. Every mroning he used…
If we were born kn0wing everything
If We WeRe BoRn Kn0wInG eVeRyThInG tHeN …wHaT w0uLd We Do WiTh AlL tHe TiMe…
a beautiful message little girl
== A Beautiful Message == A Little Girl Was Asked … : "Where Your Home…
Lady to other lady what do u
Lady To Other Lady: What Do U Use For Washing Dishes. . . ? ?…
Boy my ex girlfriends status on facebook says
Boy: My Ex-Girlfriend’s Status On Facebook Says: “Standing On The Edge If A Bridge…” Friend:…
Soldier 2 general sir a small enemy
Soldier 2 General: Sir a small enemy group is attacking General: Quick bring me my…
Who is a psychiatrist qualified
Who Is A Psychiatrist ? A Qualified Person Who Gives You An Expensive, Critical Analysis…
Dear lays manufacturer u forgot to mention
Dear lays manufacturer U forgot to mention one more thing in the list of ur…
I dont understand banks why do
I don’t understand banks. Why do they attach chains to their pens. If I ‘m…
A young boss said quotthe great
A young Boss said "the great attraction in our job is that every day is…
In an engineering university during a maths
In an engineering university during a math’s class: Student: Why do we have to learn…
A fact a girl will
A Fact : “A Girl Will Always Forgive And Forget But She Will Never Let…
There are 3 kinds of men
There Are 3 Kinds Of Men Who Do Not Understand Women … 1 – Young…
Women hve a passion 4 mathematics
Women Hve A Passion 4 Mathematics They Divide Thier Age In Half Double The Price…
Warehouse k owner ne new accountant ko
Warehouse k owner ne new accountant ko store room ki inventory List Tyar krnay Ko…
Top 3 universities rule 1
Top 3 Universities Rule : 1: B Quite In The Class Coz Others Are Sleeping…
I just hate y0u go away why
I just hate y0u! Go away.. Why The Hell You Keep Coming Again And Again……
When things go wrong ampamp sadness fill
when things go wrong & when sadness fill ur heart & when tears flow frm…
Laysolays dear lays chips you
|Lays’O’Lays| Dear Lays Chips , You forgot to include One thing under The Ingredients ….
Life before computer window was a
life before computer – – – Window was a square hole in a room Application…
1 fine morning in the middle of
1 fine morning in the middle of the night, 2 dead boys woke up to…
A one line advertisement by a married
A one line advertisement by a Married Man in a newspaper: . . … ….
Fantastic answer for why didnt u
Fantastic answer for , Why didn’t u receive my Call? . . . . ….
Height of unreasonable demand 2
Height Of Unreasonable Demand ?? 2 Negroes Wearing Black Suit Standing Infront F A White…
Funny ultimate truths 1 whenever
FUNNY ULTIMATE TRUTHS : 1. Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the…
During a visit to mental hospital medical
During a visit to a mental hospital, a medical student asked the Doctor, “How do…
I always give 100 attendance in college
I always give 100% attendance in college: . . . . . . . ….
The biggest seller is cook books n
The Biggest Seller Is Cook-Books N The Second Is Diet-Books – … How Not To…
A memon had an accident in
A Memon Had An Accident In His New BMW When Cops Arrived, Memon Cried …”Officer…
Gals have two major problems with their
Gals have two major problems with their wardrobe: 1. Nothing to wear & 2. No…
Dear human you get angry at
Dear Human: You Get Angry At Me; If I Wake U Up.. You Also Get…
An elderly gentleman was invited by an
An elderly gentleman was invited by an old frnd 4 dinner. He was impressed by…
Every 1 need a joker who can
eVeRy 1 nEeD a jOkEr wHo cAn mAkE uS lAuGh, bUt EVeR u tHinKeD THt…
3 friends lived in the same flat
3 friends lived in the same flat on the 110th floor. One day the lift…
Height of badluck p boy marry
HEIGHT OF BADLUCK :p Boy: Marry me.. ? Girl: Do you have a house.. ?…
Amazin lines of attitude yes i
Amazin’ Lines Of Attitude- “Yes, I Hav Made “MISTAKES”, Bcos My Life Did Not Come…
Little johnny mamwill you punish me
Little Johnny : Mam,Will you punish me for something that I didn’t do??
Boss tum ne kis larki ko secertry
Boss: Tum Ne Kis Larki Ko Secertry Ki Job Par Rakh Lia Usy To Gramar…
Dear face wash commercials nobody can splash
Dear Face-wash Commercials, . . . . Nobody can splash water on their face the…
The thing which is never complete called
The Thing Which Is Never Complete, Called… . . . . . . . ….
Guess the minimum area with maximum
Guess The Minimum Area With Maximum Number 0f Colour Paints. . . ? ? ?…
Good old days when i was a
GOOD OLD DAYS When I was a child, my mother would send me down to…
A doctor came to visit the patient
A doctor came to visit the patient in hospital and patient started pleading and crying,…
Lecturer quotchildren in the dark make mistakesquot
Lecturer: "Children in the dark make mistakes..!" convert dis sentence to its opposite form… Student:…
New style of break up p
New Style Of Break- Up !! 😛 A Bf Threw 6 Cricket Balls At His…
A man phones a mental hospital and
A man phones a mental hospital and asks the receptionist if there is anybody in…
The true lines on the t shirt of
The true lines on the T-shirt of an employee: "I work only for MONEY. If…
How to avoid bad dreams night
how to avoid bad dreams @ night…? very simple yaar dont remember ur face b4…
When sum1 takes ur cell for hours
When sum1 Takes ur cell for Hours & you are in no Hurry to Get…
U r the one who is charming
U R the one who is CHARMING U R the one who is INTELLIGENT U…
Dear computer users i do appreciate
Dear Computer Users, I do appreciate your kind attitude towards the other keys of keyboard!…
A private employee was rewarded a bicycle
A Private Employee was rewarded a bicycle by his organisation.It was so beautiful but didnt’ve…
Manager whts ur father name employee
Manager: wHt’s uR Father nAme? EmpLoyeE: "BijLI Deen" Manager: TOo stRanger Name!! EmplOyee: pEhLay tO…
This is how a week goes
This is how a week goes: . . Mooooooooooooooooonday…….. . Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuesday……… . Weeeeeeeeeeeeednesday………. . Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuursday………….
A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand
A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up…
A thought for all graduates quota
A Thought For All Graduates… "A Thermometer Isn’t The Only Thing That Gets A Degree…
We have solution for all the problems
We Have Solution For all The Problems 😀 . . . . . . .:….
Morning note arguing with boss is
Morning note : Arguing with Boss is jst like wrestling with a cow in the…
Difference between rain in pakistan and dubai
Difference Between Rain In PAKISTAN And DUBAI In Dubai After Rain, Water Disappears In 5…
Doctor youre in good health youll live
Doctor: Youre in good health. Youll live to be eighty. Patient: But, doctor, I am…
A boy sees beautiful girl sitting
A Boy Sees A Beautiful Girl Sitting Right Next To Him & Writes In A…
Signboard outside a repair shop
Signboard Outside A Repair Shop … "We Can Repair Anything … (PLZ ! Knock Hard…
A man traveling at 130 mph on
A man traveling at 130 mph on th highway ws stopped by highway police. Man:”Sorry,officer…
Cat how old ru elephant 5
CAT: how old ru? ELEPHANT: 5 years CAT: but u look big? ELEPHANT: I’m a…